Mediation or Pre-Mediation for your Construction Needs!
Inquire today about Mediation or Pre-Mediation for your Construction Needs! Pre- Mediation is done by correspondence your your behalf as...

Employment - Employee - Employer Disputes
Employment - Employee - Employer Disputes BOOST - MORAL - PERFORMANCE - PRODUCTION - FOCUS - QUALITY Get your matters resolved...

Not Sure what to Do about your Service Disagreement !?!
If you find yourself not sure what to do about a matter you are dealing with with your Contractor Builder Repair Man Service Man ...

Home Owners & Realtors - Do you need a resolution quick?
Let's talk Realtor & Real Estate Agents! Have you sold a home and things are going wrong now that did not show up prior to the purchase...

Employee / Employer Mediation Sessions
Here you are going to work today and have so many regrets. You know how much time you spend at work and you know the passion you have to...

Product Liability!
Product Liability! You purchased a product - Received defective - Received broken - Did not receive it - Received something else.....

Worker's Comp Mediation
Worker's comp Claims Do you have a worker's comp claim that you feel is at a standstill? With Choice Mediation Solutions we work with...

Mediation for Renters, Lessees, Buyers & Home Owners
Mediation for Home Owners - Buyers - Lessee Are you Renting, Leasing, Purchasing or have already purchased a home and your are dealing...