Mediation is a great way to work out miscommunication, differences, disputes and delays you may be facing as a business owner.
I know as a business owner you have a lot going on and work very hard to build your reputation and your product name and/or service.
With today's world and social media it only takes a few minutes to discredit you with an upset vendor, shipper, employee, customer, parent, member, or client.
No matter how hard we work we cannot please everyone and what we need to focus on most is communication.
As a business owner with so many hours and days in a week, it can be hard to take that specific time with each and every person and/or situation.
As a business owner we normally have employees to delegate these trails, & circumstances to. But let's face it. It is hard for someone to care the way we would about our own company or it is in fact the actual employee that feels they are taken advantage of, or ignored.
As an employee, vendor, shipper, customer, parent, client, or member...We cannot expect them to know what we do, or face in a days’ time or why we are distance, preoccupied, upset or otherwise. We cannot assume they will understand and forgive either. This is why communication is a must.
Miscommunication or lack of is the main reason disputes, disagreements, law suits, claims, & inconveniences may happen. We simply do not have the time.
With Choice Mediation Solutions we make the time for you. We open the lanes of communication. Guide you to get to the root of the issue and work with the opposing side to avoid law suits, disagreements, slander and more.
Choice Mediation Solutions is here to work with you one on one to make sure your reputation stays in tack and you have things in order so you can enjoy your company and what you have accomplished.
No matter what you are having an occurrence with in your company, Choice Mediation Solutions can help you.
It is very import to see the opposing side vision in all matters as well. They need and want to be heard and this will only add to your production, performance and moral.
We have over 20 years’ experience in Business disputes. We have knowledgeable staff that has been in your situation as well as the opposing side’s situation. We have highly trained mediators that have worked on mediation for business owners, clients, vendors and shippers.
Our specialty and our heart, is in Business.
We know what it is like to work hard and feel unappreciated, like you have messed up or cannot get back control because things have spun so for out of control.
We have the way and will help you to resolve all matters.
Contact us for anything you are dealing with in your business:
Contract - Disagreement/Dispute/Preparation to protect your right
Billing - Accounts Payable/Receivable
Delays - Shipping/Receiving/Production with Vendor/Customer
Employee - Acknowledgement/Promotion/Disagreement/Dispute
Product - Defects/Quality/Service/Production/Manufacturing/Delays/Breakdowns
Service - Labor/Subs/Agreements/Warranty/Dissatisfaction/Proof of Satisfaction
Customer - Customer Service/Slander/Disagreements/Disputes/Lawsuits
With Choice Mediation Solutions you can save time and money with or without an attorney.
For Your Business needs we like to assist you before you need an attorney or have a law suit to allow you to show the business and business owner who you are. That you will go and have gone above and beyond to work out the matter without tarnishing your company you worked so hard to build and showing the customer, vendor, shipper, or employee; that they do matter to you and you does want what is best for everyone. When you are busy in your day to day; it is not that you do not have time for them, or to say what they need to hear. You need that person …Like Choice Mediation Solutions to help you show them have special they are to you, or to protect you when needed.
You and the opposing side get to sit face to face and hear and be heard. You both get to make the decisions and resolve the matter without the stress of constant calling, lawsuits or slander.
We also offer mediation resolutions by phone to save you time and gives you an alternative to work out the details with a neutral party making the resolving calls instead of the business owner or the staff.
Contact Us:
Choice Mediation Solutions
“Where your Voice Counts”
Lafayette, La
Open By Appoint only
Serving Louisiana
Lafayette- Baton Rouge- New Orleans- Alexandria,
Shreveport- Lake Charles- Marksville- Monroe
Or we will come to you!