Worker's Comp Mediation
Worker's comp Claims

Do you have a worker's comp claim that you feel is at a standstill? With Choice Mediation Solutions we work with you directly, or with your attorney directly to get things in motion for you. When all is said and done everyone but you gets to move on without the affects of this injury. We want you to have closure. We want you to be heard. We want you to be the decision maker in your case. With Mediation you get to sit front and center with the opposing side and be heard, make decisions and gain resolution and closure. A mediator is a neutral third party. You can work with us with or without an attorney (If you have not hired an attorney prior). Over 90% of cases, claims, disputes settle in court or before court, leaving the settlement offer have many fees taken out of your bottom line. Save time and money with Mediation and get the wheels in motion so you can move forward with your future and no longer wait for resolutions. For more information visit our site at Contact us Choice Mediation Solutions 337-284-3117 Voice, Or Text Thank you for your interest and inquiry in advance we look forward to working with you to get you the offer, closure, resolution you want and need.