Home Owners & Realtors - Do you need a resolution quick?
Let's talk Realtor & Real Estate Agents!

Have you sold a home and things are going wrong now that did not show up prior to the purchase or purchase agreement. Maybe the home owners where not all the way honest in all details. Maybe the subs, or inspectors had an oversight Maybe the new home owners are just noticing or wanting to notice more. Maybe the realtor was not all the way honest or informed. CHOICE MEDIATION SOLUTIONS IS HERE FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED - OPEN THE LINES OF COMMUNICATION - AVOID FEELING YOU WERE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF - HEAR ALL SIDES - RESOLVE WITH A LEGAL BINDING AGREEMENT Whether you are buying a home and want to protect your investment from day one to avoid your transaction from getting caught up in court, or you are needing to resolve a matter after the fact and do not want to file law suit that will cost you more time and money... Call Choice Mediation Solutions we will work with you alone if you have not hired an Attorney or With you and Your Attorney if you have. We here - Bottom Line - To Assist you with Resolution today. Choice Mediation Solutions " Where Your Voice Counts" 337-284-3117 Serving Louisiana www.choicemediationsolutions.com