Business! Stay Protected - Resolve Immediately
Choice Mediation Solutions has an elite top of the line Business Service Plan that allows you to not only resolve matters as they come about but to protect you from them from day one.

Think of going into an agreement with a Vendor, Installer, Supplier, Shipper or Customer with a protection plan that will impress them knowing you have their best interest at heart from day one and you are willing to put it on paper!
In addition you have the convenience of presenting your selected Mediator with Choice Mediation Solutions to be your Go to..Your Neutral Third Party for Damage control..when something arises such as
Accounts Payable/Account Receivable Disputes
Customer/Vendor/Shipper/Supplier/Employee/ disagreements
Delay/Breakdown Disputes or Confirmations
Contract/Invoice Disputes or Confirmation
Protect your Business with Mediation/Arbitration Clauses to protect your rights, production and performance as a Business Owner to avoid being held up in a lengthy law suit, and going without results while spending more money.
Choice Mediation Solutions is here for you.
Choice Mediation Solutions allows you to be heard !
Mediation allows you to Maintain and Resolve Matters Quickly, Quietly, & Effectively while saving a tremendous amount of time and money with a Legal Binding Contract that will protect all parties leaving everyone feeling refreshed with closure and resolution in the end.
Business Plan Flat Rates, Monthly Rates and One Time only Rates are Available
Promo Code: BusinessMatters2016
Choice Mediation Solutions
" Where Your Voice Counts"
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