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Business to Business Claims, Complaints, Concerns, Cases

Business to Business Claims, Complaints, Concerns, Cases

In Business we get so caught up in a day that when something goes wrong we just wish someone would come in and take it all away. With Choice Mediation Solutions Business services we have "That Option". Damage Control. We can not expect everything to run smoothly and when something arises we simply have the time to take care of it properly. But we must. Choice Mediation Solutions offers businesses 1.) Pre Mediation Services - that will allow us to collect the information from both sides and mediate by phone, email, conversation to sometimes settle the matter for you with your goals and resolutions being discussed one on one on your behalf as a neutral third party simply giving and getting the details out in the open for all sides. Leaving your main focus to remain on your work, business, and performance. 2.) Mediation Services - that will allow you to be in a face to face meeting with your customer, client, member, parent, vendor, supplier, manufacture, or shipper to resolve the matter timely, effectivily and save you time and money allowing all parties to be heard, compromise, agree and resolve with a legal binding agreement. 3.) Mediation Clause Agreement - By adding this clause to your agreements, invoices, contracts, etc you will be agreeing that all matters whether big or small will be handled in mediation, no matter if it is a concern, complaint, or claim. You and whomever you do business with will be in a legal binding agreement that it is best to save everyone time and money and resolve all matters in Mediation should an arise. Choice Mediation Solutions " Where Your Voice Counts" 337-284-3117

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