Mediate Don't Litigate
Hi There from Choice Mediation Solutions!

I would like to inform you of our Mediation, & Pre- Mediation Services with Choice Mediation Solutions.
In the event you have a claim, collection, law suit, or complaint with a customer, shipper, employee or vendor our Pre-Mediation, Mediation, and Mediation Clause can assist you.
Pre- Mediation allows you to open lines of communication through a Mediator (Neutral Third Party) through correspondence (Email, Phone, Mail) to work out any concerns between all parties involved allowing you to focus on your business and avoid escalation.
Mediation Clause Protection Service adds protection to any agreement, service, order, or invoice for your business allowing you not to get tied up in litigation, risk reputation being slandered on social media, or have liens or judgments to deal with. This service is a legal binding service that confirms should a disagreement or concern arise, Mediation is how it will be resolved to save everyone time and money while giving the situation the proper attention to detail it needs through a Mediator.
Our Mediation services allows you to resolve matters quickly and effectively while saving you time and money with a Legal Binding Agreement. Mediation allows all views to be heard, you to have a say, and saves time and money ultimately giving everyone closure, and results immediately.
Choice Mediation Solutions
“Where Your Voice Counts”
337-284-3117 Main Office
Serving Louisiana at your location or ours!
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