Pre- Mediation for Auto Claims!

Lets' Talk Personal Injury today! Auto Accidents First!!
Know your options. Know that you can be taken care of just like your vehicle. Have you ever stopped to think "Why did my vehicle get taken care of so quickly and I did not???" No we do not! We think thank God my vehicle was fixed so quickly or some just know..Hey My vehicle is getting fixed! Because that is how it goes. It is only because you are not aware of ALL your options. That you do not get taken care of the same way!! You are USED to ROUTINE. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident and you simply are ready for closure and results. Reach out for Mediation. With Pre- Mediation; you and the opposing side utilize our services as a Mediator to work through correspondence ( Mail, Email, Phone ). What this does is begins,conversation, views, clarity, facts, compromise, and negotiations without you having speak to one another personally, yet still have the voice in your matter and still make the decisions. No one else. What this also does is allows you to have closure knowing you took control and you resolved the matter now. Court takes long! We all used to the way of litigation but also know you must show a certain amount spent, wrong with you, and have set amount of visits as proof of injury. We in 2016! Technology is beyond that! Everything with personal injury claims, settlement offers in litigation comes down to a science of numbers only to result in a settlement offer after months or years of waiting. Then we also know that because of this. The cost of all that your attorney incurred on your behalf, such as fees for your attorney for services,cost he put into protecting your rights, cost your attorney spent seeing to it you had money and options for travel, expense, doctors, etc - now it is time for your attorney to finally be paid back. All leaving you with a lower outcome. Get ahead of the process, and get it resolved with a legal binding agreement now that will allow you to progress and take control just like you have with your vehicle. Over 95% of Pre- Meditations end in resolution with a settlement offer to take care of not only your vehicle damages but the funds to take care of you as well. There are options such as a settlement offer to you for the funds you will need till you get back to work, as well as a medical set aside to tend to your injuries until you return to work or should you be faced with them for a lifetime. Adjusters and Mediators are well trained in these areas and know what is needed to resolve a matter so that you return back to your normal day to day! If you reach an IMPASSE ( can not resolve by pre- mediation ) We convert to Mediation and meet the opposing side face to face. At this time we determine who is the responsible party and most often the adjuster will step in and cover as a kind gesture in response to yours to choose mediation instead of litigation. Pre-Mediation Fees $350.00 Deposit to Begin $750.00 Once Matter is Resolved If you reach an impasse and Mediation is needed Mediation $150.00 an Hour with 2 hour Minimum Due (Waived if pre-mediation was initiated first) $150.00 an Hour - Any Hours over 2 hour (Due at Close of Mediation) If you feel the cost is not in your budget. Reach out to a Mediator today, as a courtesy we will work with you and the adjuster. In most cases the adjuster will agree to cover the cost to Mediate rather than Litigate. They want this resolved as quickly and effectively as you do. Studies Show Pre-Mediation Settlement Offer 12,000 Agreed/Negotiated 10,000 Medical set aside account to cover visits as needed -750.00 Mediation = 21,250.00 + vehicle repaired Mediation in similar case Settlement Offer 15,000 Agreed/Negotiated 15,000 Medical Set Aside -1200.00 Mediation 28,800.00 + vehicle repaired Law Suit in similar case Settlement offer after 3 years 25,000 Agreed 16,000 Medical Spent/paid for 8500.00 Attorney Reimbursements/Fees = 16,500 + vehicle repaired Let's Mediate and End this NOW! If you have already filed a law suit. This is ok. We can work with you and your attorney to get you both Resolved NOW!
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